Saturday, February 1

The Internet [Updated 2020]

The Internet

     In today's [2020] era, everybody uses the internet, even after the age of internet, it was also used in huge amounts. But today we will know what is the internet, and how it is made.
                  Internet means International Network of Computer. There are countless Computer's connected to each other throughout the world. And so you can access any other computer from any single click, even if it is a computer. Now the world has reduced the world.

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History of Internet -

           This modern network was started in 1962. In 1962, J.C.R. of MIT Licklider created an organization named DARPA. He created a network of Computer's, which was named "Intergalactic Network". The only purpose of this network was to add the whole world. In the '70s, two DARPA officers Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn made the TCP / IP (Transmission Control PROTOCAL). And both of these are called the fathers of the INTERNET protocol.

Then in the year 1973, Bob Metcalfe created the Ethernet cable. So that the computer's BITS became CONVERT in DIGIT ELECTRONIC signals. And Computer got communication in communication due to the TCP protocol. And named the Intergalactic Network as the INTERNET network.

              The use of this network was only up to a limit, the use of this network was only in the field of DEFENCE at that time, then Universities were started with Connected this network and the name of the DARPA (Defence Advance Reaserch Project Agency) Removed (ARPA) named Advance Reaserch. Project Agency.

Thursday, September 5

Change Theme & Wallpapers to Google Homepage by Google Crome

Hello Welcome Friends

Today, you have brought a new trick for the you so that the browser of Chrome browser Google homepage can change Wallpaper.

From this, you can make the home page fresh by putting any wallpaper in your home page. All the people you see in Google Chrome
